Saturday 9 November 2013

I am a trained parrot!!
Wondering how am I able to right?? Well…I said I am trained!!  Okay okay, now before you start imagining me as a green feathered and red beaked creature trying to talk to you…I’d rather clarify ..i am student!
Well, I guess most of you would understand by now, why I called myself (oh with the deepest belief) a trained parrot.. and those of you who haven’t  … aah lucky you.. u’ve been bad students!
Well, at present, I am a student of advertising and I am learning new things…and out of habit, the system wants to teach us to be creative (god save us). Anyhow..working on creativity feels much better. My creativity “class” as we schedule ourselves in…has forced me to think..not that “thinking” is a new experience for me..but getting to know that being wacky in your thoughts is all right and… when your teacher tells you “there is no wrong answer” …the sense of freedom that you feel is beyond imaginations!
I owe a big thanks to the man who has been taking these classes for us! I could have easily introduced him as my “teacher” but he hates to be addressed like that. (He gave us a nick name for himself).  The most amazing learning that I have received is from these classes…!
“The greatest enemy to creativity is…..the FIRST RIGHT ANSWER”…..*SHAKEN*
Indian students are ranked amongst the most brainy sharp kids in the world (god knows how!!)
Being a student, very much part of the academic system, I cant believe the above stated “fact”. I shall state very bravely, what I feel about our education system. Our system trains us and judges us on how well we can memorise stuff, and print back whatever we “saw” in the book earlier! Isn’t it similar…the thing that happens to us when we over eat….I think it’s called “vomiting”.
so, here is a system that says “it’s important to understand” but secretly forces you to stop applying your brains and mug up things. Tells you to write crisp answers in ..Just 1000 words!! *face palm*
and I realise this only after I wasted my time striving to score high and failing to do so as much as I tried…and baring the punishments for being CREATIVE . i wish this teacher of mine could become the education minister of our country!! I sinscerely hope our system starts to entertain the questioning minds!

in deep hope with all my creativity,
lasna sharma   :)